“In the days of old, men made the manners; manners now make the man.”Manners - Definition: deportment; social conduct; the style and custom of social intercourse; civility with polish; etiquette.
— Lord Byron (Don Juan, 1824.)
An individual’s manners are the index of his tastes, feelings, temper and usually indicate true character.
Haven’t you found that some people assume a kind of unconventional manner, an attitude of “it doesn’t mean squat”; or a superficial veneer, “a society cloak” on special occasions which is of little importance, no practical value, and as transparent as it is worthless? Artificial politeness is an attempt to deceive, an effort to make others believe that we are what we are not.
True politeness is the outward expression of the natural character, the external signs of the internal being. It must be born of sincerity and be the response of the heart for no amount of “surface polish” can be substituted for honesty and truthfulness. A beautiful character is simply a heart filled with honest intentions.
The “genius” of man, may hide many defects for a time, but the real individual is bound to come to the surface sooner or later, revealing his natural tendencies and personal character.
Good manners are developed through a spirit imbued with unselfishness, kindness, justness and generosity. When we realize that they are the outward expression of inward virtues, (like the hands of a watch indicating that the machinery within is perfect and true), we’ll then understand the power of applying the golden rule.
Unfortunately, we are often compelled to do business with individuals whose very presence is repulsive, who are void of noble qualities. On the other hand, we come in contact with those whose personality is like the warm rays of a June sun, warming and gentle.
Today, more than ever, the nobler qualities of mind and heart count. I like the quote by Harv T. Eker:
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”History is crowned with examples illustrating the power of indefinable charm of style. Among the qualities which contribute to worldly success, true politeness takes first rank. It is the bearing of man towards his fellowman, more than any other circumstance that promotes or obstructs his advancement of success in life. We court and seek the friendship of an individual with genuine character, while shunning the one who is false, gruff or cold.
Pleasing manners constitute one of the golden keys which turn the bolts of the door leading to success and happiness. Good manners are simply the crowning jewel of a noble character. The great motivating power of our conduct is the heart; it is the foundation of all action.
- image courtesy of Photl.com
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